SMS Board of Directors
SMS is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of 14 members: five Officers and nine Directors-at-Large. The membership annually elects Directors-at-Large for three-year terms. Every other year, the membership also elects a new President-Elect for a two-year term. After the conclusion of the term as President-Elect, this individual becomes President for the following two years, and then Past-President for another two-year term. The Board appoints a Treasurer and an Executive Director for terms of three years.

Current Members of the Board
SMS Officers
SMS Directors at Large
Former Members of the SMS Board of Directors
Learn about former members of the Board that contributed their valuable time and expertise to enhancing the SMS and the field-at-large.
Board Committees
The Board of Directors comes together throughout the year to deliberate and make decisions on policies and other larger issues. Aside from these meetings, the Board works through committees that each cover important areas of SMS’ activities. Some of these committees help operate the organization across programs and activities (e.g. Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Governance & Nominating Committee, DEI Committee), while other committees align with a particular program area (e.g. Publications, Conferences, Awards & Honors, Research Funding, Membership) and are active in the policy development and supervision of that particular activity within SMS.
Thank You To All SMS Leaders!
All activities of the Society are made possible through the dedicated support of hundreds of individuals who take on a variety of responsibilities, volunteering their time and expertise. We appreciate their dedication.
Related Information
Learn more about the Governance Structure of SMS by reviewing the SMS Bylaws, the SMS Committee Charters, and the SMS Code of Conduct.