Academically, Michael has authored and co-authored more than 10 books and numerous articles on strategy and innovation. In recent years, he has focused on data-driven strategies and the application of AI in business decision-making. He has been an adjunct Professor at Copenhagen Business School for the last 15 years.
In terms of business, Michael has given birth to numerous start-ups (e.g. CBB Mobil) as well pursued venture investments in more mature scaleup companies, such as Penneo, Konsolidator, Mobilethink, Tweakker, Valuer, and Configit. He has played a leading role in the Nasdaq stock-listing of four of his portfolio companies.Prior to this, he established and ran his own management consulting company for more than 10 years and sold this company in year 2000.
Michael has authored and co-authored more than 10 books and numerous academic and other articles, mainly focused on technology issues related to strategy, innovation and entrepreneurship. Most recent publications are strongly focused on AI. Most publications are in English, a few translated to Danish, Russian, Korean and Chinese languages. Several of these are thoroughly peer-reviewed according to academic criteria.
He is a frequent speaker and a member of the faculty at CBS Executive for Board education and training.
Michael has been a visiting professor at (CEIBS) China Europe International Business School and (the MBA studies of) Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.
Educated as Cand. Scient. Pol. in Political Science, Aarhus University, 1983 (6 ½ years study postgraduate); Diploma (HD) in Organization and Management, CBS, 1987; Fellow to the Salzburg Seminar.