Types & Costs

SMS Membership runs on a calendar year from January 1 to December 31. If membership is purchased after the beginning of the year, it is active from the date of payment through the end of the year.

Regular Membership: $190 / year
Student Membership: $95 / year
Emeritus Membership: $95 / year

Student members should be enrolled full-time in a PhD granting institution. Emeritus members should be at least 65 years of age and have been members in SMS for 10 years or more.

SMS Members smiling for the camera


Whether you are a young scholar looking to advance your career and grow your professional network; a senior academic seeking to promote your research, learn new teaching strategies or serve as a leader in the strategic management community; or a business practitioner or consultant needing to stay up-to-date on the latest developments in the field; SMS membership has much to offer you. The following benefits are available exclusively to SMS members.

  • Free access to exclusive webinars and virtual events
  • Virtual access to current and archived issues of the Strategic Management Journal, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, and Global Strategy Journal 
  • Membership in Interest Groups and Communities for networking and programming with those who have similar interests
  • Opportunity to serve as a volunteer leader of the Society in one or more of the program areas 
  • Access to apply for research funding from the Strategy Research Foundation 
  • Exclusive registration rates for SMS Conferences 
  • 25% discount on all Wiley publications
  • Priority communications that provide advance notice for all SMS Programs

SMS Program Areas


SMS publishes three leading academic journals, Strategic Management Journal, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, and Global Strategy Journal.


SMS Conferences promote the exchange of ideas among attending academics, business practitioners, and consultants.

Grant Funding

Proposals for the Will Mitchell Dissertation Research Grant (WMDRG) and Research in Strategic Management (RSM) programs are due each Fall.


SMS awards recognize individuals and research that make significant impacts on the field.


Virtual events and webinars stimulate conversation, engagement, and research around the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

SMS membership spans one calendar year and begins on January 1st of the year of membership. If you enroll in membership after January 1st, you become an active member once you have completed payment for your membership dues.

Have more questions?

For additional Frequently Asked Questions regarding SMS and our Membership, click the button to learn more.