Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
The purpose of this standing Committee is to monitor and develop Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) across all SMS program areas and publications.
- The Committee supports the SMS as the organization becomes more intentional about having a diverse representation, providing equitable access to resources and opportunities, and building a culture of inclusion.
- The Committee sends a clear message to members and the broader community that SMS and its leadership are dedicated to DEI and responsive to the diverse needs and capabilities of SMS members.
- The Committee provides guidance to SMS regarding the design and implementation of DEI activities as well as the allocation of resources for DEI activities.
- The Committee provides a spotlight on the ongoing efforts around DEI. The Committee transparently communicates the progress made and proactively raises awareness of existing inequities, potential biases, and counter-measures.
- The Committee encourages SMS members to participate in and contribute to DEI activities. The Committee also helps SMS members gain the skills necessary to meet the needs of and reflect the diverse communities they serve.

DEI Committee
The purpose of this Committee is to monitor and develop Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) across all SMS program areas and publications.
DEI Committee Charter
The SMS DEI Committee exists to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in academia, recognizing that truly effective equity and diversity work is never finished. The DEI Committee at SMS aims to promote a global and inclusive view of diversity by incorporating DEI into the strategic priorities and action plans of SMS, while positioning our society as a source of DEI expertise to universities and corporations.
Ethics and Code of Conduct
The SMS Code of Conduct provides values and professional behaviors that constitute a platform upon which strategic management scholars and practitioners can build their academic and professional work.
An SMS member who wishes to report an ethical and/or professional conduct violation should follow the process outlined in the SMS Code of Conduct Investigation Process. Click below to learn more