As a membership-based organization, SMS relies heavily on volunteer leaders to foster the growth of the Society and aid in the promotion and encouragement of superior research and practice in the field of strategic management. Each of the below individuals contributed their valuable time and expertise to enhancing the SMS and the field-at-large. Their dedication and commitment is greatly appreciated.
Past SMS Presidents
Individuals elected to SMS President serve a six-year term, first serving two years as President-Elect, then two years as President, and finally two years as Past President.
Yan Anthea Zhang | 2023-2024 |
Africa Ariño | 2021-2022 |
Javier Gimeno | 2019-2020 |
Russell Coff | 2017-2018 |
Marjorie Lyles | 2015-2016 |
Bob Hoskisson | 2013-2014 |
Jay Barney | 2011-2012 |
Joan Enric Ricart | 2009-2010 |
Michael Hitt | 2007-2008 |
Richard Bettis | 2005-2006 |
Jeremy Davis | 2003-2004 |
John McGee | 2000-2003 |
Howard Thomas | 1997-2000 |
Richard Rumelt | 1994-1997 |
Carlos Cavalle | 1991-1994 |
Henry Mintzberg | 1988-1991 |
Derek Channon | 1985-1988 |
Dan Schendel | 1982-1985 |
Past Directors of the Board
Individuals elected to SMS Director-at-Large serve a three-year term.
Ruth Aguilera | Steve Floyd | Sharon Matusik | |
Alfredo Ambrosetti | Nicolai Foss | John McGee | |
H Igor Ansoff | Michel Ghertman | Henry Mintzberg | |
Africa Ariño | Javier Gimeno | Will Mitchell | |
Jay Barney | Rita Gunther McGrath | Ikujiro Nonaka | |
Pamela Barr | William Guth | David Norburn | |
Christopher A Bartlett | Donald C Hambrick | Jan Oosterveld | |
Richard Bettis | Gary Hamel | Margaret Peteraf | |
Julian Birkinshaw | Constance Helfat | Michael E Porter | |
Sue Birley | Bruce Henderson | CK Prahalad | |
Robert Burgelman | John H Hickman III | Jeffrey Reuer | |
Laura Cardinal | Michael Hitt | Joan Enric Ricart | |
Carlos Cavallé | Robert Hoskisson | Richard P Rumelt | |
Bala Chakravarthy | Anne Huff | Peter Segaar | |
Derek F Channon | John G Keane | Harriett H Stairs | |
Russell Coff | James N Kelly | George A Steiner | |
Napier Collyns | Dovev Lavie | John M Stopford | |
Arnold Cooper | Gwendolyn Lee | Gabriel Szulanski | |
Jeremy G Davis | Marvin Lieberman | Howard Thomas | |
Jacob de Smit | Christopher Lorenz | Heli Wang | |
Guy de Wouters | Marjorie Lyles | Margarethe Wiersema | |
Yves Doz | Costas Markides | Carolyn Woo | |
Irene Duhaime | Xavier Martin | Edward Zajac |
Officers of the Board
This list includes individuals appointed as SMS Treasurer and SMS Executive Director.
SMS Treasurer | SMS Executive Director | ||
Craig Crossland | 2022-Present | Barbara Grobicki | 2021-Present |
Tomi Laamanen | 2016-2022 | Eileen McCarthy | 2019-2021 |
Steve Floyd | 2010-2016 | Nikolaus Pelka | 2007-2018 |
Dan Schendel | 2005-2010 | Dan Schendel | 1999-2006 |
Michael Hitt | 2003-2004 | ||
John Keane | 1999-2002 |
Thank You To All SMS Leaders!
All activities of the Society are made possible through the dedicated support of hundreds of individuals who take on a variety of responsibilities, volunteering their time and expertise. We appreciate their dedication.