
This Interest Group focuses on how managers can best leverage the knowledge base of their organizations in order to build competitive advantages for their firms. Some of the questions of interest to this group include: What is organizational knowledge? Where does it reside? How does organizational learning take place and how does it feed into knowledge? What is the link between learning and innovation? How is knowledge shared and transmitted within and among organizations? How can knowledge, learning, and innovation be managed better?

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Group Leadership Details

Elizabeth Altman

Knowledge & Innovation Interest Group Chairperson
University of Massachusetts Lowell

Marco Giarratana

Knowledge & Innovation Interest Group Program Chair
IE Business School

Ulya Tsolmon

Knowledge & Innovation Interest Group Associate Group Chair
Washington University in St. Louis


Pooyan Khashabi

ESSEC Business School

Jacqueline Kirtley

University of Pennsylvania

Victoria Sevcenko


Shiva Agarwal

University of Texas at Austin

Min Jung Kim

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Luisa Gagliardi

Bocconi University


Johanna Glauber

Knowledge and Innovation Interest Group Engagement Officer
IE Business School

Megan Lawrence

Knowledge & Innovation Interest Group Engagement Officer
Vanderbilt University

Giulia Solinas

Knowledge and Innovation Interest Group Engagement Officer
LMU Munich