by Charlie Williams
Disruptive innovation is an idea that leapt from the pages of Strategic Management Journal to the lips of business people and entrepreneurs around the world. But its widespread, sometimes indiscriminate, application has lead to a backlash against the very concept. In this episode of the research chatter we discuss what the theory actually says; what the research on disruption suggests about the generalizability of the theory; as well as whether business schools and business research are ripe for disruption themselves.
Research and articles cited in the discussion:
- “Customer power, strategic investment, and the failure of leading firms” Christensen and Bower, 1996. Strategic Management Journal volume 17 issue 3.
- “Incumbent entry into new market niches: the role of experience and managerial choice in the creation of dynamic capabilities” King and Tucci, 2002. Management Science volume 48 number 2.
- “How useful is the theory of disruptive innovation?” King and Baatartogtokh, Sloan Management Review, September 2015.
- The disruption machine: what the gospel of innovation gets wrong,” Jill Lepore New Yorker magazine June 23, 2014.
- “What is disruptive Innovation?” Christensen and Raynor Harvard Business Review December 2015.
- “Corporate America has not been disrupted” Ben Casselman August 8, 2014