
This Interest Group focuses on entrepreneurial behavior both in new ventures and established organizations. Its purpose is to help create useful knowledge on effective entrepreneurial strategies. Some of the important questions that it seeks to address include: How can we strengthen the theorizing on entrepreneurial activity? How does a focus on innovation and entrepreneurship differ from other theories on competitive advantage? What are the appropriate research methods for a scientific study of the entrepreneurial process? What is the role of strategy in a new venture firm and how does it differ from that in an established firm?

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Group Leadership Details

Gary Dushnitsky

Entrepreneurship and Strategy Interest Group Chairperson
London Business School

Francesco Di Lorenzo

Entrepreneurship and Strategy Interest Group Program Chair
Copenhagen Business School

Annamaria Conti

Entrepreneurship and Strategy Interest Group Associate Program Chair
IE University


Alicia DeSantola

University of Washington | Foster School of Business

J. Daniel Kim

University of Pennsylvania

Astrid Marinoni

Georgia Institute of Technology

Christopher Sabel

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Curba Lampert

Florida International University

Andrea Contigiani

Ohio State University


Florence Honore

Entrepreneurship and Strategy Interest Group Engagement Officer
University of Wisconsin-Madison

J. Daniel Kim

Entrepreneurship and Strategy Interest Group Engagement Officer
University of Pennsylvania