Past Award Recipients
“Managers and Complementarities”
Adam Oppenheimer, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Robert Wiseman, Michigan State University
Stefan Maric, Bentley University
"Eye-tracking Analysis of a Managerial Decision-making Process"
Juan-Pablo Torres, University of Chile
Andrés Musalem, University of Chile
Alejandro Hirmas, University of Amsterdam
Want to learn more? Read about the Annual Conference here
"Developing an Integrated Approach for Topic Modeling in Management Research"
Raphael Derstappen, WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
Dries Faems, WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
Honorable Mention:
"Towards Temporal Causal Inference: A Review of Differences-in-Differences Applications in Strategic Management"
Jin-Su Kang, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Yi-Chieh Chen, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Nabangshu Sinha, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Want to learn more? Read about the Annual Conference here
"Evidence on Social and Financial Performance: Mapping the Empirical Garden of Forking Paths"
Luca Berchicci, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Andrew King, Boston University
Honorable Mention:
"Stuck in the Middle: Strategic Repositioning and Survival in Response to an Innovation Shock"
Woo-Yong Park, University of Nevada
Jackson Nickerson, Washington University in St. Louis
Lyda Bigelow, University of Utah
Want to learn more? Read about the Annual Conference here
Cognitive Framing and Capability Development at the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Ryan Raffaelli, Harvard University
Tiona Zuzul, University of Washington
Ranjay Gulati, Harvard University
Jan Rivkin, Harvard University
Want to learn more? Read about the Annual Conference here