Imagination and Inspiration: Creating Strategy Breakthroughs in a Discordant World

Imagination and inspiration in business scholarship and practice are needed today more than ever. Our world of business performance and social welfare faces multiple discordant shocks, including climate crises, immigration barriers, technological expansions and shifts, supply chain disruptions, political realignments, trade transformations, and a global viral pandemic. Tackling these challenges requires novel solutions that build on a dynamic combination of imagination and inspiration.

Imagination and inspiration are intimately intertwined. According to Merriam-Webster, imagination is “the act or power of forming a mental image of something not present to the senses or never before wholly perceived in reality,” while inspiration is “the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions.” Together, these forces can respond to discord by creating new images and then inspiring action in response to the images.

The theme for the SMS 41st Annual Conference encouraged individual and collective imagination and inspiration toward tackling the discordant challenges we face in strategy scholarship and practice. The theme signaled the desire for novel combinations of imagination and inspiration that proactively respond to and even shape discord.

SMS 41st Annual Conference: Virtual Toronto

Conference Program Chairs

  • Mary Crossan, Western University
  • Will Mitchell, University of Toronto
  • Joanne Oxley, University of Toronto
  • George Stalk Jr, Boston Consulting Group

Meeting Date
September 18-21, 2021

Meeting City
Virtual Toronto


Take a quick peek at our event recap to catch up on all the exciting moments from our recent gathering!


Imagination and inspiration in business scholarship and practice are needed today more than ever. Our world of business performance and social welfare faces multiple discordant shocks, including climate crises, immigration barriers, technological expansions and shifts, supply chain disruptions, political realignments, trade transformations, and a global viral pandemic. Tackling these challenges requires novel solutions that build on a dynamic combination of imagination and inspiration.


Imagination and inspiration are intimately intertwined. According to Merriam-Webster, imagination is the act or power of forming a mental image of something not present to the senses or never before wholly perceived in reality,” while inspiration is “the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions.” Together, these forces can respond to discord by creating new images and then inspiring action in response to the images.


The theme for the 2021 SMS Annual Conference in Toronto encourages individual and collective imagination and inspiration toward tackling the discordant challenges we face in strategy scholarship and practice. The theme signals the desire for novel combinations of imagination and inspiration that proactively respond to and even shape discord.


We seek work from strategy scholarship and practice that explores any of the key changes that are currently disrupting global markets and societies, whether studying the underlying causes of critical trends and/or suggesting strategies that will address the challenges. We want these ideas to spark bold endeavors involving new products, processes, organizations, and sectors. We are particularly excited about imaginative work that moves beyond existing theories, empirics, and practices to help inspire new understandings and actions by businesses and other social actors. Quite simply, we want you to push hard on the boundaries of the traditional conventional wisdoms of which ideas reflect rigor and relevance.


We are suggesting four themed tracks of research and practice within the theme of “Imagination and Inspiration.” We have intentionally kept the descriptions minimal to encourage a broad range of ideas that fall within this general rubric. We invite you to push the envelope with your insights.