Release date: September 6, 2024

Panelists: Olga Hawn, Xia Li, Leandro “Leo” Pongeluppe, and Angelyn Fairchild

Sponsor: The Competitive Strategy Interest Group

Session Description: This interactive session helped attendees understand how they could get engaged in research on Competitive Strategy and Climate Change, what types of actions companies take and risks they experience, and what explains some of the heterogeneity among firms. Three junior scholars highlighted the trade-offs that firms face when addressing climate change, how they adapt to the threats posed by climate change, and how their actions may differ from those of the public sector. They discussed empirical and conceptual issues involved in this type of research: from building a novel dataset and using climate science data to key methods that may help categorize firm actions and expose the disconnect between what firms say they do and what they actually do to decarbonize. Attendees brought their questions and engaged with the panelists, and the session encouraged practically relevant research at this intersection!

Published Date
10 September 2024

Article Type
Archived Webinar


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