The purpose of the Fellows of the Strategic Management Society is to recognize and honor members of the Strategic Management Society who have made significant contributions to the theory and practice of strategic management, as well as to provide opportunities for fellowship and a forum for discussion among persons so recognized and honored.

The SMS Fellows adhere to their own constitution and utilize a Membership Committee to review nominations for new fellows and determine who will be a candidate in the election.

The current Dean of the Fellows is Laurence Capron, INSEAD, and the Deputy Dean is Melissa Graebner, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. 

Current SMS Fellows:
Africa Ariño
Aks Zaheer
Alfonso Gambardella
Amy Hillman
Andrew Pettigrew
Anil Gupta
Anita McGahan
Anne Huff
Anthea Zhang
Bala Chakravarthy
Bob Hoskisson
Brian Silverman
Bruce Kogut
Carlos Cavallé
Charles Baden-Fuller
Christoph Zott
Christopher Bartlett
Constance Helfat
Dan Schendel
Daniel Levinthal
Danny Miller
David Norburn
David Teece
Donald Hambrick
Duane Ireland
Edward Zajac
Gary Hamel
Gautam Ahuja
George Stalk Jr.
Harbir Singh
Henry Mintzberg
Howard Thomas
Ian MacMillan
Irene Duhaime
J. Myles Shaver
Jackson Nickerson
James Westphal
Javier Gimeno
Jay Barney
Jeffrey Reuer
Joan Enric Ricart
John McGee
Joseph Bower
Joseph Mahoney
Julian Birkinshaw
Karel Cool
Kathleen Eisenhardt
Ken Smith
Laurence Capron
Margaret Peteraf
Margarethe Wiersema
Marjorie Lyles
Marvin Lieberman
Mary Benner
Mary Tripsas
Maurizio Zollo
Melissa Graebner
Michael Hitt
Michael Porter
Ming-Jer Chen
Nandini Rajagopalan
Nicolai Foss
Nicolaj Siggelkow
Pankaj Ghemawat
Peter Lorange
Peter Smith Ring
Philip Bromiley
Raffi Amit
Rajshree Agarwal
Ranjay Gulati
Richard Bettis
Richard Rumelt
Riitta Katila
Rita McGrath
Robert Burgelman
Robert Grant
Rodolphe Durand
Ron Adner
Russell Coff
Ruth Aguilera
Sea-Jin Chang
Sharon Alvarez
Sidney Winter
Stephen Tallman
Todd Zenger
Torben Pedersen
Vijay Govindarajan
Yves Doz

SMS Fellows in Memoriam:
Alfred Chandler
Andrew Van de Ven
Arnold Cooper
Bruce Henderson
CK Prahalad
Clayton Christensen
Derek Channon
Edward Bowman
H. Igor Ansoff
John Stopford
Jose de la Torre
Kenneth Andrews
Mike Wright
Sumantra Ghoshal
Will Mitchell
William Guth