SMS is pleased to share the Top 10 most cited articles for 2023 in the Strategic Management Journal. Congratulations to all authors!


Platform ecosystems as meta-organizations: Implications for platform strategies – Tobias Kretschmer, Aija Leiponen, Melissa Schilling, Gurneeta Vasudeva

Liminal movement by digital platform-based sharing economy ventures: The case of Uber Technologies – Raghu Garud, Arun Kumaraswamy, Anna Roberts, Le Xu

What is a pivot? Explaining when and how entrepreneurial firms decide to make strategic change and pivot – Jacqueline Kirtley, Siobhan O’Mahony

Mutualism and the dynamics of new platform creation: A study of Cisco and fog computing – Saeed Khanagha, Shahzad (Shaz) Ansari, Sotirios Paroutis, Luciano Oviedo

User preferences and strategic interactions in platform ecosystems – Claudio Panico, Carmelo Cennamo

From proprietary to collective governance: How do platform participation strategies evolve? – Siobhan O’Mahony, Rebecca Karp

How incumbents respond to competition from innovative disruptors in the sharing economy-The impact of Airbnb on hotel performance – by Hung-Hao Chang, D. Daniel Sokol

Platforms for the people: Enabling civic crowdfunding through the cultivation of institutional infrastructure – Danielle Logue, Matthew Grimes

The firm as an architect of polycentric governance: Building open institutional infrastructure in emerging markets – Aline Gatignon, Laurence Capron

Platform governance matters: How platform gatekeeping affects knowledge sharing among complementors – Yuchen Zhang, Jingjing Li, Tony W. Tong


Fostering and supporting rigorous and practice-engaged strategic management research is central to the SMS mission. SMS is proud to publish three leading journals focused on top-quality work applicable to researchers and practitioners in the field.

Published Date
12 April 2024

Article Type
Journals News


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