SMS is pleased to share the Top 10 most cited articles for 2023 in the Global Strategy Journal. Congratulations to all authors!


The knowledge based view and global strategy: Past impact and future potential – Robert Grant, Anupama Phene

Disentangling the relationship between internationalization, incremental and radical innovation, and firm performance – by Joan Freixanet, Josep Rialp

What is digital transformation? Core tensions facing established companies on the global stage – Nathan Furr, Pinar Ozcan, Kathleen M. Eisenhardt

Top management team international diversity and the performance of international R&D –René Belderbos, Boris Lokshin, Christophe Boone, Jojo Jacob

The MNE and its subsidiaries at times of global disruptions: An international relations perspective – Klaus E. Meyer, Chengguang Li

International connectivity and the location of multinational enterprises’ knowledge-intensive activities: Evidence from US metropolitan areas – Davide Castellani, Katiuscia Lavoratori, Alessandra Perri, Vittoria G. Scalera

Move fast and break things: Reassessing IB research in the light of the digital revolution –Julian Birkinshaw

The importance of rare events and other outliers in global strategy research – Paul W. Beamish, Vanessa C. Hasse

A wider-aperture lens for global strategic management: The multinational enterprise in a bifurcated global economy – David J. Teece

The dark side of informal institutions: How crime, corruption, and informality influence foreign firms’ commitment – Juan Bu, Yadong Luo, Huan Zhang

Navigating the paradox of global scaling – Esther Tippmann, Sinéad Monaghan, Rebecca A. Reuber

Tapping into emerging markets: EMNEs’ strategies for innovation capability building – Henry Lopez-Vega, Nicolette Lakemond

Digitalization of cross-border R&D alliances: Configurational insights and cognitive digitalization biases – Ricarda B. Bouncken, Viktor Fredrich, Noemi Sinkovics, Rudolf R. Sinkovics


Fostering and supporting rigorous and practice-engaged strategic management research is central to the SMS mission. SMS is proud to publish three leading journals focused on top-quality work applicable to researchers and practitioners in the field.

Published Date
12 April 2024

Article Type
Journals News


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