by Gabriel Benito, Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, and Ram Mudambi—Coeditors of the Global Strategy Journal
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
As the challenging 2020 year ends, we would like to reflect and share Global Strategy Journal (GSJ) news, activities, and accomplishment in this 2020 Year in Review.
Jay Anand of Ohio State University and Dan Li of Indiana University finished their terms as associate editors. We thank them for their enthusiasm, great sense of humor, and guidance to authors. We also welcome Marcus Larsen of Copenhagen Business School and Paul Vaaler of University of Minnesota as new associate editors, bringing new expertise to the journal.
This year’s GSJ Best Paper Prize went to “Are Scores on Hofstede’s Dimensions of National Culture Stable over Time? A Cohort Analysis” by Sjoerd Beugelsdijk, Robbert Maseland, and Andre Van Hoorn ( It joins a stream of impactful articles published in GSJ, such as the recipients of the GSJ Best Paper Prize ( and other highly cited and read articles (
We continued our participation at conferences, organizing paper development workshops (e.g., AIB, SMS), and sponsoring best paper awards (e.g., AIB-Lat, EIBA).
The four issues (February, May, August, November) reflect our goals as a focused, high-quality journal shaping research conversations in global strategy. We published two special issues, one on “Skepticism of globalization” ( and another on “Global value chains” ( that will guide future research on these topics. The two regular issues contain articles around common themes, one on the internationalization process ( and another on global corporate governance (
Submissions grew fifteen percent, and we received papers from authors working in 42 countries. The JCR 2-year impact factor increased to 4.06. This is not only impressive on its own but even more so for such a young journal; 2020 marked the 10-year anniversary of the journal. In just a decade, we have accomplished much!
Looking ahead, in 2021 we will publish a special issue on “Digital strategy” and another on “Institutions and entrepreneurship.” We just closed the submissions for a special issue on “Complexity and multinationals” scheduled for 2022. You can find some of the accepted papers among the early view articles (
Thank you for making GSJ the top journal at the intersection of strategy and international business. We look forward to continue receiving your best work.
Best wishes for 2021!
Gabriel Benito, Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, and Ram Mudambi
Co-Editors of Global Strategy Journal