Release date: February 17, 2021

Speaker: Rebecca Henderson (Harvard University)

Description: The seventh webinar in the E&S Insight Series featured Rebecca Henderson (Harvard University). She presented “Reimaging Capitalism” followed by a live audience question and answer. Capitalism is one of the greatest inventions of the human race, but in its current incarnation it is driving both accelerating climate change and unparalleled inequality. Can business help fix our broken system? We need political action if we are to bring capitalism back into balance, but our politics are increasingly populist and partisan and without concerted action by the private sector we won’t be able to solve the problems that we face. Fortunately business has both an economic and a moral case for helping to rebuild our institutions and individual firms can play a critical role in helping to drive the kind of change that we need.

Published Date
17 February 2021

Article Type
Archived Webinar


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