Release date: March 10 2021

Speaker:  Robert Seamans (New York University)

Description: In the eighth webinar in the SMS E&S Insights series, Robert Seamans, New York University, will present “Measuring How Firms Use New Technologies.”

What’s the impact of new technologies on new and incumbent firms? This is a key question for researchers and policymakers alike. In order to answer it, we need to measure and track these new technologies. Therein lies the problem—these are new technologies and so by definition not already measured. Rob will discuss his efforts to measure the adoption and use of new technologies including AI and robots, and the challenges he has encountered when trying to validate the measures. He will also describe some early findings, including that AI appears to be complementary to labor, and the implications this has for firm strategy.

Published Date
10 March 2021

Article Type
Archived Webinar


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