Release date: May 19, 2021

Speakers: Martin Ganco (University of Wisconsin)

Description: Exploring how startups emerge from new ideas has been at the core of entrepreneurship research. Over the last decade, we have accumulated a much better understanding of the role that established firms play in this process. However, many important questions remain. In this webinar, I will focus on discussing several research projects examining the role of employees’ ideas and knowledge acquired in the context of established firms as a precursor of employee entrepreneurship. I will also discuss some novel data sources and empirical approaches that may help us advance research in this domain. Importantly, the webinar will be an opportunity to go beyond individual research studies and discuss broader connections of this research stream. For instance, I will explore the connections between employee entrepreneurship and elements of the legal environment, long-term technological trends, changing nature of competition and macro trends in entrepreneurial activity.

Published Date
19 May 2021

Article Type
Archived Webinar


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