Strategies for Sustainable Human Development

This conference, held in partnership with Johns Hopkins Carey Business School, was designed to explore the intersection of firm strategy, ESG, and human capital from both academic and practice perspectives. The timing of the conference marked the five-year anniversary of the Business Roundtable, an association of top CEOs in Washington, D.C., that had formed a commitment to track ESG efforts in business. As we reflected on this movement to redefine success from financial shareholder primacy to a broader stakeholder perspective, we considered the progress with this call to address ESG in concert with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

As firms worked to address sustainability broadly, the human dimension proved to be fraught with challenges due to societal trends, political agendas, workforce challenges, labor constraints, and global operations.

Firms had to manage a myriad of internal and external stakeholders, including consumers, suppliers, and broader communities. The human capital of a firm—whether embedded in the firm itself or part of a larger, globally dispersed supply chain—provided a critical intersection with the social actions of the firm. Beyond their immediate competitive concerns, firms increasingly took public positions on social issues, engaged and collaborated with NGOs, and leveraged their resources for social or humanitarian causes. Hence, the conference focused on the theme: “Strategies for Sustainable Human Development,” as participants considered internal human capital, external stakeholders, and society at large.


Conference Program Chairs

  • Jonathan Doh, Villanova University
  • DK Kryscynski, Rutgers University
  • Richard Smith, Johns Hopkins University
  • Heli Wang, Singapore Management University

Meeting Date
June 19-21, 2024, 2024

Meeting City
Washington, D.C.


Take a quick peek at our event recap to catch up on all the exciting moments from our recent gathering!