Shuo (Luna) Yang received her Ph.D. from Kent State University. Since the fall of 2022, she has joined the Pennsylvania State University, Brandywine, as an assistant professor of business and economics. Her research interests rest on how history matters in international business studies. She employs a combined approach of empirical panel data analysis and historical methods to address the persisting historical nuances in corporate activities and firm-specific advantages. She has been working on gathering data and historical evidence to build a proprietary database on monetary infrastructure established in developing regions. In addition to her academic work, she consults small to mid-size firms and entrepreneurs and serves as a start-up consulting coach at Penn State Brandywine LaunchBox Entrepreneurship Center. While being an active member of the Strategic Management Society, she assumed the role of Graduate Student Ambassador at the Research Method Community from 2021 to 2022. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with Pumpkin (the cat) and Mr. Tortilla (the tortoise).