Gurneeta Vasudeva Singh is an associate professor at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, and previously worked at the Indian School of Business. She earned her PhD at the George Washington University’s School of Business. Her doctoral thesis on how national institutions influence firms’ technological alliances and knowledge transfers won best dissertation awards from the Academy of Management and the Academy of International Business. Gurneeta’s research focuses on collaborative strategies for technological innovation that address societal grand challenges. In this realm, she studies various technological contexts including energy, drug development, mobile and digital technologies. She examines innovation outcomes based on the knowledge flows, and institutional conditions of collaborative arrangements. Her research has been published in the Academy of Management Journal, Management Science, Organization Science, Strategy Science, Strategic Management Journal, and Research Policy. Gurneeta served as an Associate Editor for the Academy of Management Journal, and Guest Editor for the Strategic Management Journal’s Special Issue on Strategies for Platform Ecosystems. She co-chaired the Strategic Management Society’s Special Conference in India. She has received multiple research awards and grants and has held visiting positions at the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), the Wharton School, the Ludwig Maximilians University and Stanford University. Prior to academia Gurneeta worked as an energy policy analyst in New Delhi and Washington D.C. She currently serves on the U.S. National Committee for IIASA and is the Vice Chair for the Organization Design Community.