Guoli Chen is a Professor of Strategy at INSEAD. His research focuses on the influence of CEOs, executives, and boards of directors on firms’ strategic choices and organizational outcomes. He is also interested in firm growth, organizational renewal, corporate development and sustainability activities. Guoli’s work is published in several top academic journals, including Strategic Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Management Science and Organization Science. Guoli has won the Emerging Scholar Award from Strategic Management Society (SMS) in 2016. He served as various leadership positions at Corporate Strategy, Strategic Leadership and Governance Interest Groups of Strategic Management Society, Research and Executive committee member for the Academy of Management’s STR division. He also served as a Senior Editor of Organization Science, Management and Organization Review, and a Contributing Editor of Strategy Science. Guoli published several best-selling cases, such as “Huawei’s smartphone strategy”, “Uber vs. Didi”, “Shein vs Zara”. He was recognized as The Case Centre’s Top 50 Bestselling Case Authors. His recent book “Seeing the Unseen: Behind Chinese Tech Giants’ Global Venturing” studies how Chinese internet firms innovate and grow, their strategic mindsets, and challenges faced in overseas markets.