Daphné Baldassari is an Assistant Professor in the Management and Organization Department at USC’s Marshall School of Business. She received her Ph.D. in Strategic Management from the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto. Her research focuses on firms’ strategic responses to diversity interventions that aim at disrupting organizational practices and processes contributing to inequality in organizations. Within her research program, she examines a variety of diversity interventions such as the diversification of evaluation committees and the implementation of diversity disclosure regulations. Drawing upon research on nonmarket strategies, organizational reactivity, and social movements, she explores how strategic responses by firms can lead to heterogeneous benefits for individuals (where often only the most connected and visible benefit) and can either support or impede progress towards substantive improvements on social equity.
Her research has been supported by the Strategy Research Foundation’s Will Mitchell Dissertation Research Grant, recognized with multiple conference awards at SMS, and her dissertation shortlisted as a finalist in the INFORMS/Organization Science Best Dissertation Proposal Competition.