Professor Schendel joined the Krannert faculty in 1965. His main teaching interests are strategic management, planning, marketing, and international management. His current research interests include global strategy and international competition, strategic planning system design and implementation, business strategy across the product life cycle, and organization structure and strategy. He has also studied new product development, mathematical models of corporate strategy, corporate turnaround strategies, and acquisition and divestiture. His publication credits include Fundamental Issues in Strategy: A Research Agenda with R. Rumett and David Teece, Harvard Business School Press (1994); Strategic Management: A New View of Business Policy and Planning, (D. Schendel and C. W. Hofer, eds.), Little Brown & Co. (1977); Strategy Formulation: Analytical Concepts with C.W. Hofer, West Publishing Co. (1978); and Divided Loyalties: Whistle-Blowing at BART with R.M. Anderson, Robert Perrucci, and Leon Trachtman, Purdue University (1980). He is also the author of numerous papers on strategic planning systems, marketing, and strategy formulation. Before coming to Purdue, Professor Schendel worked for Aluminum Company of America, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Civil Service, and the Stanford Research Institute. He has served as a consultant for Owens-Corning Fiberglas, the Marine Corp., Cross-Trecker Corp., General Motors, AMAX Coal, CTS Corp., Inland Container Corp., Booz Allen & Hamilton, Western Electric, and Michigan Consolidated Gas Corp. He is a member, executive director, and the founding president of the Strategic Management Society; and a member (and Fellow) of the Academy of Management. He is editor-in-chief of the Strategic Management Journal, published by John Wiley & Sons, a position he has held since the Strategic Management Journal’s inception in 1978. In 1999, Professor Schendel was named the first dean of the German International Graduate School of Management and Administration (GISMA).

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