Arzi Adbi (PhD, INSEAD) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Strategy & Policy at National University of Singapore Business School. He also holds a Research Affiliate appointment at the Sustainable and Green Finance Institute (SGFIN) and serves Strategic Management Journal as a member of the Editorial Review Board. His research investigates grand challenges in emerging markets, focusing on sustainability and nonmarket strategy. His recent works have been published in Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Journal, Management Science, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Journal of Business Ethics, and Production and Operations Management. He teaches Strategic Management, Business Model Innovation in Asia, and a Ph.D. Seminar on Innovation & Entrepreneurship. Leading media and practitioner outlets such as BBC, CNN, South China Morning Post, The Hindu, Stanford Social Innovation Review, and EIX have quoted his research and published his op-eds and commentaries on crucial questions at the intersection of sustainable development and business strategy.