The Educational Impact Award recognizes excellence in contributing to the teaching mission in strategic management. It will be given to an individual who has made an exemplary contribution to quality and innovation in the teaching of strategic management, either through their own teaching and mentoring activities and/or by empowering other teachers with innovations and high-quality teaching materials.
Nominees for this award will be judged according to the following criteria:
- Innovation in the teaching of strategic management (e.g. new pedagogies, new media for learning and knowledge sharing)
- Development and dissemination of teaching materials, such as texts, case studies and digital materials
- Writing and publishing on pedagogy
- Evidence of excellence in teaching at their home institution and other places they have taught (e.g. teaching awards, reference letters from administrators or peers, etc.)
The Award Recipient will be recognized on the SMS Website and at the SMS Annual Conference, as well as invited to participate in the SMS Awards & Honors Webinar Series.
The recipient of this award is selected by a sub-committee appointed by the SMS Awards & Honors Committee, and will include leadership of the SMS Teaching Community.
Nominations are invited from any member of the SMS and should include:
- A nomination letter of not more than two pages in length specifically addressing the nominee’s achievements vis-à-vis the above criteria
- Two additional letters of recommendation for the nominated individual
- A full current CV for the nominated individual
SMS Educational Impact Award 2024 Recipient:
Pinar Ozcan
Pinar Ozcan is a Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. She is also the academic director of the Oxford Entrepreneurship Centre and the Oxford Future of Finance and Technology (Fintech) Initiative. She serves in advisory roles with the Bank of England, UK Competition and Markets Authority and OECD. She holds a PhD from Stanford University (Management Science and Engineering department). Pinar has transformed the way we see digital platforms and financial markets and professions. Her work on entrepreneurs who attempt to disrupt markets and in particular female entrepreneurs is outstanding. Most notably for this award, the detailed studies and cases that Pinar wrote opened new ways to teach and understand the functioning of these industries in a unique manner. The jury was especially impressed by the coherence across the research, the educational materials, and the professional experience that Pinar put together over the recent years. It is no surprise that she has shared her knowledge and experiences extensively with both scholarly and practitioner audiences.
Links to online profiles: