The Annual Conference Responsible Research Paper Prize, first given in 2022, recognizes a conference paper that best meets the goals of RRBM, with a special emphasis on papers that involve stakeholders such as organizations, policy makers, managers and consultants, besides academic scholars. Such involvement must be substantial, e.g., co-authorship, active involvement in provision and analysis of data, or co-development and implementation of practices. In particular, the selected paper will exhibit responsible research in the sense that it offers useful and credible knowledge in the field of strategic management. The paper will have practical implications that can inform policy making and benefit society, while demonstrating the trustworthiness, validity and reliability of the research claims.
The paper will be assessed based on the stated RRBM criteria:
- Service to Society: Has the potential to develop knowledge that benefits the broader society, locally and globally, with the aim of creating a better world.
- Valuing Both Basic and Applied Contributions: Makes a conceptual contribution that enhances fundamental knowledge in the field of strategy and an applied contribution that addresses pressing and current issues in the field.
- Valuing Plurality and Multidisciplinary Collaboration: Demonstrates diversity in research themes, methods, forms of scholarship, types of inquiry, and interdisciplinary collaboration to reflect the plurality and complexity of business and societal problems.
- Sound Methodology: Implements sound scientific methods and processes in both quantitative and qualitative or both theoretical and empirical domains.
- Stakeholder Involvement: Engages different stakeholders in the research process, without compromising the independence of inquiry. Papers should engage non-academic stakeholders such as policy makers, organizations, managers and consultants.
- Impact on Stakeholders: Can impact various stakeholders in business and the society.
- Broad Dissemination: Has the potential to disseminate knowledge broadly and thus advance basic knowledge and practice.
Nominated authors are invited to submit a full version of their submitted proposal for consideration. Their papers are peer reviewed and finalists are named prior to the conference. The winner will be honored at the conference with the SMS Annual Conference Responsible Research Paper Prize and will receive an award of US$1,500.
The Co-Directors for the 2024 SMS Annual Conference Responsible Research Paper Prize are Jiao Luo, University of Minnesota, and Richard Whittington, University of Oxford.
SMS Annual Conference Responsible Research Paper Prize 2024 Prize Recipient
Hard Truths: The Unintended Consequences of Carbon Tax on Firm Behavior
Arzi Adbi, National University of Singapore, Xiaoteng Wu, Peking University